Affiliate Resources for the My Little Poppies Course Offering Sales Page


Here you will find resources to make it easier to share My Little Poppies Current Course Offerings with your community. You are free to use all images and ad copy in your emails and social media shares. 

To download an image, simply right-click on images and select "Save As" to download an image. Then, share the image and/or ad copy along with your unique affiliate link.


For ad copy, simply highlight the text you wish to use, copy it, and then paste it in a social media post or email along with your unique affiliate link.


Need help using your affiliate link? Check out this tutorial!

As a reminder, your unique affiliate link can be found in the Affiliate Portal. Click here to visit the Affiliate Portal.

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact me at [email protected] and I'll be happy to assist you!

Below please find banners and creatives related for use in your emails and social media shares.


To download an image, simply right-click on images and select "Save As" to download an image. Then, share the image and/or ad copy in a social media post or email. 


Please remember to use your unique affiliate link, which you can find in the Affiliate PortalThank you SO much for sharing My Little Poppies with your community!

Below please find ad copy for use in your emails and social media shares. 


For ad copy, simply highlight the text you wish to use, copy it, and then paste it in a social media post or email. 


Please remember to use your unique affiliate link, which you can find in the Affiliate Portal.

Homeschooling shouldn't feel super hard or complicated. 


You can cultivate a family culture of curiosity and joyful, lifelong learning.


And it doesn't need to look anything like the public school of your past.


Check out current course offerings from My Little Poppies and have more joy in your homeschool tomorrow!

You don't need the perfect curriculum, the perfect planner, or the perfect schedule.


You don't need to remember how to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, the Pythagorean theorem, the dates of the French and Indian War, or how to diagram a sentence. You can relearn all these things together.


You were your child's very first teacher. You celebrated first smiles, first steps, and first words together. No one on this planet loves this child more than you, and no one knows this child better than you. No one, not even the world's greatest teacher, wants this child to succeed in life more than you do.


But the good news is- you don't need to be the world's greatest teacher to rock this homeschool gig. You need only be a willing sidekick, a joyful mentor, and your child's biggest cheerleader. Just as you've always been. You've been doing this all along, mama. The only thing that has changed is the label: homeschooler.


By modeling joyful curiosity and lifelong learning, you can teach your child how to learn anything, from knitting a pair of funky socks, to recording an album, to fixing that leaky dishwasher.


How do you model this joyful curiosity and lifelong learning, you wonder? Through delicious daily read-alouds, super-simple unit studies, and educational play.

Check out MLP course offerings and have a better tomorrow!

Homeschooling can be almost all fun and games.

Check out MLP course offerings.  Create simple, sustainable homeschool routines that change the entire atmosphere of your homeschool and gives you a foundation for cultivating a family culture of joyful curiosity that will serve your children for the rest of their lives!